Thursday, July 31, 2008

Day 3

Hello yall.
It's going pretty well. The naps are starting to feel different. Not necessarily the way they're supposed to feel, but different nonetheless. Probably a step in the right direction.

I think I'm starting to get some REM during the naps. I've been seeing some colors and flashes of light while asleep, and during the 9:30 AM cycle I distinctly remember being inside a truck with someone. I wouldn't call it a full blown dream, but it's a start. Exciting huh?

I thought so. That is, until I woke up and felt like crap haha. It was drowsiness at it's worst. The kind that makes you feel all confused and disoriented, like waking up from anesthesia. Somehow I managed to haul myself out of bed despite the zombification. I've been reading through Steve Pavlina's sleep logs again and this caught my attention. (Happened to be day 3 for him too)

He was thinking about taking more naps of the same length. The idea makes sense, you would still be depriving yourself of REM sleep if the naps were short. I thought it was a good idea, (I was also very tired) so I decided to try it. I stuck an extra nap right in the middle of two cycle at 11:30 AM. It seemed to help a good deal, even if it was just a mental thing. Far less drowsiness upon awakening.

I got hit with the same drowsiness after the 5:30 PM nap and tried the extra nap technique again. I woke up easy and quick from the second nap. Had enough energy to play DDR and then write this. :)

No superhuman benefits yet. Other than the ability to eat my own weight in food everyday. =P
The thing is, I really don't feel much worse than usual. (And I usually feel decent, for the record)

Thanks to everyone who took the poll!

Results from Day 3
Adherence to schedule: 9/10 - Didn't oversleep, but I kinda lied around in bed doing nothing for a few minutes. I also added the two extra naps, but I'm not counting that against me.

Mental awareness: 7/10 - Good with the exception of right after those two naps.

Physical energy: 7/10 - Got some decent exercise thanks to Dance Dance Revolution. Wasn't feeling up to running with the ol' XC team though. :( Maybe next week.

Productivity: 6/10 - Didn't finish my book, but I learned how to fold a paper crane. =) I'm not going to worry about productivity too much until the adaptation is over though.

Comments: I found out that I really like listening to classical music at night. It's especially nice while reading too. Another thing I noticed is that I'm losing the ability to sense what time of day it is. I guess it's an understandable side effect of napping so often.

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