Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Days 1 - 2

This is actually spilling over into day three a little, but I wanted to update instead of putting it off another day.

The first day was a little rocky. I'm not sure what it was, lack of motivation probably, and just the fact that I didn't have a (good) reason to get up prevented me from doing so.

Oddly enough, day two was a breeze. Everything went perfectly. Like almost unnaturally perfect. All the naps were on time and only 20 minutes long. It was amazing how easy I woke up from them too. I just don't understand. =P As far as doing stuff goes I actually accomplished a good deal on day two as well. None of it was particularly taxing though.

Now today, day three, I took the 4AM no prob. Got up relatively quickly. I got something to eat and read some articles in New Scientist. I was about halfway through the third article when I realized I was nodding really bad. It was almost 6 so I stuck it out a bit longer and decided to throw in an extra nap between cycles. It worked wonderfully.

I lied down and was extremely comfortable, as well as drowsy. The next thing I remember is my mom bothering me about something. I reluctantly got out of bed and went over to the door. She had some kind of clothing for me. As she was explaining I hear the distinct sound of my alarm clock ringing (crowing actually, like a rooster, cause that's what it does haha) and I feel like I'm being sucked into my own head, only to actually wake up and realize it was all a dream!

Let me tell you, as far as I was concerned, it was real. I even noticed that I was wearing the same clothes I put on before going to sleep and that level of detail doesn't usually happen. Plus the nagging mother at the door thing is quite common. It was indistinguishable from the real thing, right up until the head sucking part that is. =P

So what does this mean? Could I really be having some REM after only two days? Last time it took me seven days to have a dream. A few minutes after I woke up I started writing this, and right now I feel a lot more awake than I did after the 4AM nap. Perhaps I'm still slightly conditioned from the first week of sleeping funny. Maybe two full nights of sleep aren't enough to be wiped clean. Unless I hit a wall soon, it's way easier this time around.

Also, I'd like to mention I now have some help from a bit of software I found. =) Although, I've been woken by my alarm clock most of the time.
TimeLeft is a bunch of little tools that do pretty much anything you can think of that's clock related. I wanted it for the "timer" function it has. Once the timer runs out you can have it play a music file. I've found a little Rage Against the Machine or Skid Row with the volume turned up loudly makes it easier to not fall back asleep.
You can always put on an artist you strongly dislike to better encourage you to get up and turn that crap off! There's also this online countdown timer, but it won't play a song of your choice.

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