Thursday, August 7, 2008

Days 8 - 10

I didn't die if that's what yall were thinking. =)
Just been running around having a good time without my parents around.

First, let's look at the results of the poll! Thanks to all six of you who voted haha. Nobody opposed the schedule. Maybe some people felt it was a bad idea but didn't want to vote. I don't really care what anyone thinks of it, if you think it's a bad idea I probably won't stop, I was just sorta curious to hear other opinions. :)
4 people said they would possibly try it.
2 people said they would not want to try it.

I understand it's not very practical to nap every four hours. In fact I'm finding that it goes against the normal flow of society in general. =P
If work/school or other time constraints is the reason you wouldn't like to try it, there's another (less extreme) polyphasic sleep schedule called the Everyman. It's major advantage over the Uberman is more flexible nap times. I'll probably make a post about in detail later.

So. I can't remember what happened in detail three days ago haha. But I believe everything was going swell, until Tuesday night. I ate a ton of pizza, which doesn't digest as easily as not greasy food. That, in addition to setting my alarm for PM when it was actually AM, made me totally mess up my naps. *face palm*

I realized that I need a lot more will power. It's also a pain to always be setting my alarm clock. Since I can't just create more will power for myself, I got a louder alarm haha. I'm actually using two countdown timers now, instead of my good 'ol alarm clock. One of them is an online script, which requires me to actually click on something to turn it off. Much harder than slapping a button without even getting up.

Also, I found that I'm often not tired at the proposed nap times. So now what I'm doing is sleeping whenever I feel like I can fall asleep almost instantly. This does not include right after I wake up, because that would lead to continuous sleep. =P I think I'll try to stay up for at least two hours after each nap, regardless of how I feel. Eventually it should smooth out to a nap every four hours. (At least that's what I'm hoping for)

On a whim after waking up from a nap around 3AM, I decided wanted to try to juggle. +5 spontaneity. I actually made a lot of progress after only a day or two. I can almost do the basic three ball juggle. And today I drove down to Dick's and got some lacrosse balls to practice with, They're wonderful. ($1.99 each)

I'll come up with another poll eventually (hopefully tonight), right now I have a bunch of stuff to clean up before my parents get home. :P

Oh, by the way. I'm now old enough to buy cigarettes, porn, lottery tickets, go to strip clubs and all those other things I'm never going to do haha. =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

indeed, the happiest of 22 hour birthdays to you eric-san